Ecosystem for Rehabilitation and Tele-Rehabilitation based on Virtual Reality



11th of May 2021

Dear Doctor,
Khymeia Group has the pleasure to invite you to the free webinar on the Ecosystem for Rehabilitation and Tele-Rehabilitation based on Virtual Reality that will take place on Tuesday 11th of May 2021 at:
  • 11.00 GMT+1 (London, Lisbon time)
  • 12.00 GMT+2 (Berlin, Paris, Rome time)
  • 13.00 GMT+3 (Bucarest, Kiev, Riyadh, Doha time)
  • 14.00 GMT+4 (Dubai time)
Since 1998 the Khymeia’s Ecosystem is the first and most complete Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation system based on Virtual Reality available on the international markets.
With more than 800 exercises developed by clinicians, the system also includes the following home rehabilitation modules:
  • motor skills
  • cognitive
  • speech therapy
  • phonation
  • postural
  • EMG
  • t-DCS
  • facial
  • orthopedic
  • cervical spine
  • cardiorespiratory

Among others, Khymeia’s ecosystem is used by the Italian IRCCS Neuroscience Network, by the US state agency USAID for the Building Hope project and in Italy by more than 100 public and private excellence structures.
The system, which includes the MEDICOAMICO app, provides for home rehabilitation both online (in real time with the therapist) and offline (asynchronously, the patient can perform the exercises independently guided by the integrated smart virtual assistant), and also in this the system automatically records every activity performed by the patient, generating the related data always available to the therapist directly at the clinical center.
Khymeia’s ecosystem is the subject of numerous international scientific publications, including the Cochrane Reviews.
The program includes (GMT+3 time):
  • 13.00 – 13.05 Opening greetings
  • 13.05 – 13.20 Presentation of the main characteristics of the Khymeia Systems for Rehabilitation and TeleRehabilitation
  • 13.20 – 13.35 Focus on Tele-Rehabilitation with COVID patients with Dr. Elise Houdayer (IRCCS San Raffaele in Milan) and on Rehabilitation with VR with Dr. Andrea Turolla (IRCCS San Camillo in Venice)
  • 13.35 – 13.50 Demonstration of TeleRiabilitation between IRCCS San Camillo of Venice and IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital of Milan
  • 13.50 – 14.00 Questions and Answers
Thank you in advance for the kind attention.
Have a nice day!
Federico Piron
Khymeia Group

Khymeia Group
Via San Marco 11/C
35129 Padova (PD)

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