Možnosti efektívneho využitia elektronických informačných ...
19.11.2024 od 17:00
online webinár, link v texte
Dear Doctor,Khymeia Group has the pleasure to invite you to the free webinar on the Ecosystem for Rehabilitation and Tele-Rehabilitation based on Virtual Reality that will take place on Tuesday 11th of May 2021 at:
- 11.00 GMT+1 (London, Lisbon time)
- 12.00 GMT+2 (Berlin, Paris, Rome time)
- 13.00 GMT+3 (Bucarest, Kiev, Riyadh, Doha time)
- 14.00 GMT+4 (Dubai time)
Since 1998 the Khymeia’s Ecosystem is the first and most complete Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation system based on Virtual Reality available on the international markets.With more than 800 exercises developed by clinicians, the system also includes the following home rehabilitation modules:
- motor skills
- cognitive
- speech therapy
- phonation
- postural
- t-DCS
- facial
- orthopedic
- cervical spine
- cardiorespiratory
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online webinár, link v texte
webinár s profesorom Leventom Ozcakarom
Congress Hotel Centrum, Košice
pre lekárov – fyziatrov a fyzioterapeutov
Miesto konania: Kúpele Sliač